HTech: Our toolkit for building future products

We are excited to use the most advanced technologies available to keep our products on the cutting edge. We intend to continue the integration of the below frameworks in our pursuit of innovation and great product execution.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    AI has enabled us to rank millions of videos based on a satisfaction score that efficiently predicts user enjoyment

  • Machine Learning

    Machine Learning is at the core of our AI models, continuously learning what certain behavior patterns mean and more effectively matching content to queries.

  • Image Recognition

    We use Image Recognition to enable autonomous video tagging. A monotonous task that was polluted with human error can now be performed effortlessly and accurately.

  • Big Data

    The term “Big Data” is ubiquitous but the sheer size of our data sets is unique. There are very flew platforms in the world that have “BIG” Data on our scale.

  • Algorithms

    Brilliant Algorithms are essential to the livelihood of our platforms. Gargantuan Data sets coupled with millions of daly users and a confluence of technologies requires robust and efficient Algorithms.

  • Natural Language Processing

    To improve our search performance it is necessary to break down the building blocks of our internal language to understand the user intent in the correct context.

Legacy tech supporting the platform

The below technologies are essential to keeping our platform running